Now working for CASED
Eric | November 7, 2009 A few days ago I am on a new payroll. I am still working for Mira Mezini and within her research group, but I am now funded by and also doing research for CASED, the Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt. With the new job come new responsibilities: I am now responsible for coordinating the CASED-internal graduate school, i.e., organizing courses, managing student affairs, etc.
The CASED research cluster is actually doing quite some exciting research. Folks here conduct research on all levels of security, from low-level hardware issues to secure architectures.
For me, nothing else will change, really. My main task will, fortunately, still remain pursuing fun (and hopefully useful) research. Just to let you know so that nobody is getting confused about my new affiliation…
What else is happening? Since I finished writing up my thesis in Montreal, I have been busy getting settled in Germany again and refilling the paper pipeline. Next week I will be back to Montreal for my thesis defense. Wednesday is the day to keep your fingers crossed for me. 🙂