Ph.D. Students! Here's your chance to get to beautiful Cyprus!
Eric | March 2, 2008 You are a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and have at lest 12 months before defending your dissertation? Does your thesis topic has anything at all to do with the following topic around object-orientation?
- Analysis, design methods and design patterns
- Concurrent, real-time or parallel systems
- Databases, persistence and transactions
- Distributed and mobile systems
- Frameworks, product lines and software architectures
- Language design and implementation
- Testing and metrics
- Programming environments and tools
- Theoretical foundations, type systems, formal methods
- Versioning, compatibility, software evolution
- Aspects, Components, Modularity, Reflection
- Collaboration, Workflow
Then you might consider submitting to the ECOOP 2008 Doctoral Symposium and PhD Student Workshop. It’s going to be in July at the beautiful Mediterranean island Cyprus! Note that those are two distinct, but joint events:
- the Doctoral Symposium, and
- the PhD Students’ workshop.
The former is meant to be for students that have already chosen their topic and have some idea about what they are doing, while the latter is addressed primarily to PhD students in the early stages of their PhD work. The goal is to allow participants to present their research ideas and obtain feedback from the rest of the workshop attendees.