SPLlift awarded the IT-Sicherheitspreis (2nd place)

Eric | October 25, 2014

On Thursday, SPLlift, our approach for Analyzing Software Product Lines in Minutes instead of Years, was awarded the second price at the German IT-Sicherheitspreis. This was joint work with Mira Mezini (to the right), Claus Brabrand, Marcio Ribeiro, Paulo Borba and Tarsis Toledo. Many thanks for the fruitful collaboration! And Many thanks to Horst Görtz and his Foundation for donating this award!

1st place went to Kastel’s project on Blurry-Box Cryptography, the first provably secure software-protection dongle. Congrats!

Cross-posted from SEEBlog

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Boycotting Elsevier

Eric | October 8, 2014

Elsevier has been in the press for a long time, for their particularly strict negotiation style when it comes to negotiating access licenses to their contents. All of Fraunhofer has now decided that it cannot offer access to Elsevier publications any longer, as they have become too expensive. In particular, Elsevier is apparently blocking negotiations about digital-only access. It seems like they would rather continue killing trees for not reason than changing to a future-oriented business model.

For me this is the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. From now on I will boycott Elsevier, not publishing in their journals any longer and providing no reviewing services for Elsevier journals.

The time is really overdue for open-access journals!

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Eric | October 1, 2014

We have moved! You now find us in the new shiny Fraunhofer building at Rheinstraße 75!


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CAST Workshop Sicherheit im Lebenszyklus von Open Source

Eric | October 1, 2014

Am 16.10. veranstalten Eric Bodden und Thomas Schreck (Siemens CERT) zusammen mit CAST einen Workshop zum Thema Sicherheit im Lebenszyklus von Open Source. Dies ist der erste CAST Workshop im Neubau des Fraunhofer SIT. Es erwartet Sie ein spannendes Programm mit hochkarätigen Vortragenden.

Cross-posted from SEEBlog

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